Many Engineers can get wrapped up in their job. What we offer is another set of eyes. What I’m saying is, sometimes you’re too close to the problem.
We will survey your process plant from start to finish, inc.
Process plant,
Material Intake & Storage,
Discharge, Packaging & product Storage,
Waste & Energy Management.
To know where your potential problems are we will initially talk with your Process, Project, Maintenance & Purchasing Teams.
Following the meetings we will follow the flow of product, taking special note of the concerns learned in the previous meetings.
Special attention will be given to areas of Process, Utilities, Waste & Energy management.
The On Site Survey process is finished with another meeting with the Process, Maintenance, Project & Purchasing teams.
You will be handed a report/document detailing how we believe you can make improvements in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your plant, which in turn will god-willing increase profits.
If you follow the guidelines of the report, you draw from our list of contacts to do the jobs specified and you do not see an overall improvement we will refund the costs of the survey.
Survey carried out by a team of Chemical Process, Mechanical & Maintenance Engineers. The engineers have experience in many aspects of Process Problem Solving, such as ATEX, cGMP, FDA, Efficiencies, Energy, Reactions, Digestion, Fermentation, Drying, Rotating equipment, Pipework, Pumping, Sealing Solutions, Agitation, Lubrication systems, to name a few.
Improving your efficiencies and Making You Savings! Is what its all about.
Maybe, you simply need us to look at a specific area of concern. One that’s costing you too much.
We will bring to you a number of recommended solutions to discuss and debate a “Best Path” forward.